
The Cannabis Chiller’s Secret to Maximizing Cannabinoid Extraction

woman in hair net and gloves working with cannabis hung to dry

An industrial-grade cannabis chiller has a hefty responsibility to keep your cannabis extraction equipment cool so your processes run smoothly. However, we’d argue that a cannabis chiller worth your investment must accomplish more – it must also help level up your operation by maximizing the quantity and quality of extracted THC, CBD, or CBN. 

How can a cannabis chiller do that? 

In this article, we’ll reveal the cannabis chiller’s secret to helping you get the most from your extraction processes for a larger and higher quality yield.

The cannabis chiller’s secret revealed

The cannabis chiller’s secret to maximizing cannabinoid extraction comes down to these two critical capabilities:

  1. Extra-low fluid temperature 
  2. Tight temperature control

Next, we’ll explain the significance of these extraction-enhancing capabilities and how they work to boost your results. 

Extra-low fluid temperature

Cold ethanol extraction with an optimal temperature range of -20°F to -40°F is often the preferred method for maximizing cannabinoid extraction. Too warm temperatures can increase the risk of extracting unwanted compounds that compromise your operation’s profitability. For these reasons, a cannabis chiller must achieve the extra-low temperatures required for optimal cannabinoid extraction results.

Tight temperature control

Achieving extra-low temperatures is only half of the equation. The second part of a cannabis chiller’s secret to maximizing cannabinoid extraction is its ability to maintain tight control over the low temperatures, ideally within +/-1°F. This critical capability helps prevent denaturing- and other damage caused by fluid temperatures that dip too low. 

Now that you know the capabilities of an industrial-grade cannabis chiller that help maximize your production, let’s explore the extra-low temperature cannabis chiller features to consider.

Cannabis chiller features to look for

If you want to maximize your facility’s cannabinoid extraction, look for these extra-low temperature cannabis chiller features when designing the best system for you: 

  1. Evaporators and heat exchangers sized for your specific application fluid 
  2. Liquid injection and compressor fans for compressor cooling
  3. Oil management system for compressor protection and reliability
  4. Electronic expansion valves (EEVs) for tight superheat control
  5. Fluid temperature pull-down designs

Beyond these extra-low temperature features, our high-performance cannabis chillers come with an array of other capabilities that can help maximize your yield, including year-round performance and a 99.4% uptime rate. 

Our robust line of engineered solutions also includes additional customization options to enhance the performance of your cannabis chiller and extraction processes, such as:

  • Custom controls – MCS microcontrollers, central control for multiple units, remote access, digital alerts in case of an alarm
  • Energy-efficiency options – EC condenser fan motors, floating head pressure, heat reclaim, pump variable frequency drive (VFD)
  • Redundancy – Full capacity, full electric isolation, dual circuit, multi-circuits, auto-changeover redundant pumps
  • Additional options – Digital flow meters, low ambient protection, phase monitor, fused disconnect, and corrosion-resistance options

The secret to increasing the quantity and quality of your cannabinoid extractions is choosing a high-performance industrial-grade process cannabis chiller capable of achieving extra-low temperatures and maintaining tight temperature control. Customizing your system to enhance performance and efficiency is the final step to ensuring your operation is poised for success.Ready to design the best cannabis chiller for you? Contact us for design and engineering assistance or request a quote to get started. Our five decades of experience paired with excellent after-the-sale support make us the ideal cannabis chiller partner to help you take your operation to the next level.