That first sip of a frothing pint of citrus- and pine-laced malty amber. The distinct effervescence of a floral hop-forward pale ale as it hits the tongue. The distinct aromatics of artisanal seasonal medleys that comprise an award-winning signature blend. These are just some of the nuances that tasters love about sipping their favorite brews, and it’s all made possible with dedication, ingenuity – and the right equipment. An industrial-grade brewery chiller can help you deliver these kinds of unforgettable experiences, but not every chiller lives up to the rigorous standards you expect for your brews.
In this post, we’ll outline some of the features to look for in a brewery chiller that will work as hard as you do, including:
- Industrial-grade performance
- Consistent temperature control
- Year-round operation
- Capacity modulation
- Customizable control options
- Energy efficiency
Keep reading to learn more about these brewery chiller features to help you produce accolade-worthy batches that both fans and critics will crave.
Industrial-grade performance
As opposed to off-the-shelf chillers, an industrial-grade brewery chiller uses heavy-duty process cooling technology tough enough for even the most demanding brewing processes. These specially designed units use fluid to efficiently and reliably cool brewing equipment throughout its various processing cycles. When you’re looking for a brewery chiller, ensure that it’s robust enough to perform without compromise.
Consistent temperature control
A brewery chiller requires lower temperatures and more accurate temperature controls than a standard comfort cooling chiller, so it’s essential to use a unit that can meet these needs. Look for a brewery chiller with a stainless steel re-circulation tank. The dual loop system will help maintain the same glycol temperature under varying conditions for a more controlled crash, more consistent process – and a better tasting beer.
Year-round operation
An off-the-shelf chiller is designed for seasonal comfort cooling in the warmer months but falls critically short in the colder months. Without a brewery chiller, refrigeration issues can crop up during this “off-season,” severely reducing performance and output. The rugged year-round requirements of most breweries call for a solution that will perform in cold temperatures as low as -40°F so that you can keep brewing – no matter the conditions.
Capacity modulation
Most standard chillers are limited to just two levels of capacity: full on and full off. This hindrance will make the unit frequently start and stop, which shortens compressor life. Alternatively, a brewery chiller that modulates capacity can protect you from short cycling. Be sure to look for a unit with capacity control options, such as partial or full redundancy, dual or multi-circuit units, digital compressors, and variable speed compressors.
Customizable control options
When searching for a brewery chiller, consider the level of control that suits your operational preferences and brewing processes. Ask about custom programming options that will help you control brewing functions, such as fermenter crashing. For tighter process control, consider customizing a brewery chiller with technology that lets you control your unit remotely and receive emails or texts in case of an alarm.
Energy efficiency
If energy efficiency matters to you, look for a brewery chiller that’s gentler on your wallet. Features to look for in this category include EC condenser fan motors, EEVs (electronic expansion valves), glycol economizer, floating head pressure, heat reclaim options, and VFD (variable frequency drive). These green-friendly options can result in:
- Electricity efficiency
- Energy savings
- Stabilized temperatures
When you need a brewery chiller, turn to a company with over 40 years of experience serving brewers like you, from coast to coast. Our industrial-grade engineered solutions include air- and water-cooled brewery chillers ranging from ¼ – 200 HP with 30-30,000 gallon tank and pump packages and remote condenser systems. We deliver engineered solutions with many customization options so that your brewery chiller is as unique to your operation as your brew taps.
Standard comfort cooling chillers and brewing equipment supplier units aren’t a match for the superior performance and capabilities of our brewery chillers. To learn more, request a quote online, email us, or call (888) 289-7299 today.